Clients |

• Multinational companies with global presence, including Accor, Airbus, Alcan, Alcatel, Areva, Auchan, Aventis, Danone, Decathlon, Degussa, EDF Asia Pacific, Intel, Michelin, Microsoft, Monsanto, Novartis, Novozymes, Renault Trucks, Saint Gobain, Sanofi Pasteur, Schneider Electric, Société Générale, Oshkosh, Procter and Gamble, PWC, Servier, Siemens, Spansion, Tyco and Wolseley.
• International Organizations: FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).
• Institutions: French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China (Beijing, Shanghai), Sciences Po Paris in China, Rutgers Business School, Viva Beijing Professional Women’s Network.
• Small and medium sized companies with international ambitions (references given upon request)
• Individuals in geographical or professional transition (references given upon request)