Coach and Trainer |
Coaching and Intercultural Education
- Accredited Certified Coach (ACC) by the International Coach Federation (ICF)
- Certified MBTI (I&II) practitioner, Beijing, China (2009)
- Certified to deliver the Polaris® Global 360, Granada, Spain (2008)
- Global Executive Coaching, advanced qualifying workshop, with George Renwick at Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication, Portland, USA (2008)
- Trained by Coach U, qualifying coaching program, Singapore, Beijing (2006-2007)
- Certified to deliver the Cultural Orientations Indicator®, Hong Kong (2007)
- Certified in the Ren Coaching Model© (coaching adapted to Chinese values), Beijing (2007)
- SIETAR-UK conference Fons Trompenars, London (March 2006)
- Seminar, “Personal Leadership: Making a World of Difference”, leadership, creativity, and culture, by Barbara Schaetti, Rita Wuebbeler, Heather Robinson, Paris (December 2005)
- SIETAR-EUROPA Congress Nice, in charge of keynote speakers, France (September 2005)
- Course on Intercultural Competence for Practitioners and Trainers (ICPT) at the Centre for Cross-cultural Competence, Winterthur, Switzerland (April 2005)
- SIETAR-UK conference Geert Hosftede, London (2005)
- SIETAR-EUROPA Congress, Berlin, Germany (2004)
- Workshop, “Reconciliation of dilemmas in intercultural management, according to F. Trompenaars and C. Hampden-Turner”, Vincent Merk, Paris (2003)
- Seminar, “Contrastes Culturels Franco-Americains”, Gilles Asselin and Ruth Mastron, Paris (2003)
- Autumn University, SIETAR-FRANCE, Paris, France (2002).
- Workshop,“Skills for the Intercultural Practitioner”, Jeremy Solomons, Paris, France (2002)
- Workshop, “Intercultural Careers”, Jeremy Solomons, Noel Kreicker President IOR Global Services. Vienna Austria, (2002)
- Autumn University, SIETAR-FRANCE, Paris, France (2002)
- SIETAR-EUROPA Congress, Vienna, Austria (2002)
- Monthly Intercultural workshops offered by SIETAR-FRANCE, Paris (2002)